AR speaketh...

The questions, the answers, the thoughts, the ideas and the other crap that make me, well, me.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

The Complete Idiot's Guide to Picking Up Women

Womanizing for Dummies

None of my writings have ever had a foreword. This departure from the trend is only a last ditch effort to be taken as a writer of serious capabilities. That being said, most forewords actually provide some insight into the material at hand. Likewise, this one will, too. The discerning reader will realize (and the impolite one will interrupt, vocalizing the realization) what a tough task this is. For, when the entire text contains hardly a whit of information, impregnating the foreword with copious meaning is arduous, at best. Fortunately, yours truly rises to the occasion (as always) to make a momentous fool of himself.

I will cut the verbiage there and come straight to the heart of the matter. My foreword will discuss the title: Why did I choose to call this piece "The Complete....aka...Dummies"? (Frankly, I did that because I wanted to and didnt give a hoot in hell what anyone thought but I cant put that in a foreword, can I?) This modern classic (forgive me for being presumptuous, but genius must have its licenses) is aimed at Complete Idiots. Do I hear a "Why?"? Hell, I dont; but that doesnt stop me from acting like one of those "exalted" beings who can hear the cosmos fart. Okay, so this is aimed at complete idiots otherwise known as dummies because I dont expect anyone with an IQ in the high 2-digits to take tips on womanizing from me. Lets not go into the details(since I have always maitained a dignified silence about my amorous adventures and the objects thereof): suffice it to say that I have not tested these out well. With that, O audacious traveller, I bid thee good luck.

Chapter I: Drawing the lines

This tome being targeted at section of the population that doesnt quite figure on the intellectual number line, I'll begin with the basics. For a successful pickup, the most important ingredient is the person you want to pick up; the quarry, to use a politically incorrect expression. I must warn all readers that is the single most important requisite. Without a target, even the most acurate shooters in the world miss the, well, target. So please ensure that the object of your moronic affection is indeed in earshot, when you deliver the killer pickup line. Corollarily, please ensure that the woman understands the language you speak. A note, here, to the BPO industry employees: please lose that ridiculous accent your company forced you to put on. Also, bury those ear rings, bangles (whatever), get a haircut and shave (including that thing on your chin you think makes you look like David Beckham. Why anyone would want to look like David Beckham, completely beats me.).
Secondly, it is imperative to focus on the task at hand. It is not opportune to ogle at the girl on the next table whose nipples are poking out through her dress while serenading your "catch". You should postpone the serenading till you've had an eyeful - no point being so damn stuck up about it.

Chapter II: Lining Up the Troops

Read Chapter I first, moron! (God, one really cant be too careful when dealing with these dimwits.) This chapter will explain the niceties associated with actually making the kill, throwing the dice, sil vou plait.
The primary consideration in springing it on her is the choice of venue. Choose the wrong venue and all is lost, much like the horse (the one that was lost for the kingdom or the other way round, I forget which.). Most battles in history have been lost because of a poor choice of venue. Had Napolean avoided Waterloo would it have proved to be his Waterloo? Besides, what self respecting general chooses to fight in a place called Waterloo?
The working rules would, then, be:
1. Avoid all places that have Water or Loo in the ir names. (One cant be too careful, with history having a tendency to repeat itself.)
2. No, the Dentist's waiting room, the printer room at office and the queue outside a public toilet are not good venues.
3. A moderately populated coffee house gets my vote. You dont want too many people watch you make an ass of yourself.

Chapter III: The Charge

This is a very sensitive area. A good pickup line almost always ensures a smooth pick up. Successful pickup lines have but one characteristic: they are successful. So, do NOT try to be original. If you had the faculties necessary, you wouldnt be reading this crap. Every time you see a friend who got lucky, ask him for his line. Watch out for a devilish gleam in his eye while he gives it to you. If you see the gleam, forget the line. Otherwise, remember to use it in its entirety.
Note: You cannot make one line by combining the funny parts of two lines.
Note 2: Invoke all your gods while actually delivering it.

Chapter IV: The Retreat(to be read only after an attempt has been made)

All right, at least you had some good food/coffee/fun, right? Dont lose heart or interest, it happens to the best of us. Tomorrow, we start from Chapter I again.

Note: You do this EVEN if you nail your quarry.

9 Bouquets-or-brickbats:

At September 10, 2005 7:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A good attempt, but like all beginers you get too engrossed in impressing the reader with your vocabulary. the blog would have been more flowing and smooth if u had chosen some other words. A example of lucid writing would be the sppech by steve jobs which you have posted, not saying that you follow his style but you could take inspiration.

At September 11, 2005 1:53 AM, Blogger Abhishek Rudresh said...

@anonymous: Fully agree. The objective behind using the "big" words was not to impress the reader but to copy the style of a certain Mr. Wodehouse, Pelham Grenville. Like I always maintain, Never use a big word where a diminutive one will suffice. Thanks for the tip anyway and keep visiting my blog.

At September 11, 2005 3:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

bhai Rudresh, ghulam hain hum aapke mails ke...i actually have a copy of each of ur hard-hitting mails...keep blogging...u have at least one serious follower here.
ur Classmate

At September 12, 2005 9:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i hope that all the gyaan flowing over here has been arduously compiled from the countless ordeals that you have been thru. anything else and i wud be deeply disappointed ;-)

for there is nothin worse than a disgruntled loner whining about things that are and the things that cud have been.

but inspite of the mega crap that the blog contained ....... to my 2 digit something IQ ,it still seemed a very interesting read !

keep up the effort and someday you might write about something that actually works ! :-)

At September 14, 2005 1:33 AM, Blogger Abhishek Rudresh said...

@Varun: Someone once said, experience is the best teacher. Need I say more?

At November 06, 2005 5:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

well, i completely agree with what varun says.. only experience can talk so much.. ;)

and pointing out mistakes, well.. have to have n experience.. right?? ;)

- anushree

At November 07, 2005 2:29 AM, Blogger Abhishek Rudresh said...

Obviously!! YOU should know!

At November 23, 2005 10:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anushree speaks. Where is the catch line, mister?

At November 23, 2005 11:51 PM, Blogger Abhishek Rudresh said...

Sorry, no catch lines there. Will a pick up line do? How about, "Hi, I dont believe we've met. I'm Mr. Right"?


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